Frequently Asked Question

How can I create a new ticket?
Last Updated 2 years ago

Navigate to the client/user portal page of the help desk (ExRx Support). Once you’ve arrived at that page, click on the “Open a New Ticket” button.


Clicking the button will take you to a blank ticket form where you can fill out the required contact detail fields for the ticket, such as your email address, name, phone number, and so on.


When you submit a ticket, you will see a Help Topics field. By selecting the appropriate help topic, you can direct and streamline the information you are submitting to the help desk.


You need to choose the right help topic that matches your issue. In the issue summary, write a brief description of your problem, like you would in an email subject line. You can add more details in the message body. Use the HTML Rich Text toolbar to format your message, upload and share photos and videos, and attach hyperlinks. Once you're done, click the "Create Ticket" button.


After you have created the ticket, you will be redirected to a page that confirms your ticket request has been created.

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